Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can using topical hair products/skin cosmetics contribute to causing cancer?

I don't see how topicals are as dangerous as foods that are ingested, and even the ingested items take large doses to do any significant harm.

So then why is everyone hopping on the natural/organic bandwagon for hair products and cosmetics?

Or can the stuff seep through your scalp/skin, and if you use it long term contribute to causing cancer?

Exactly how dangerous Are hair products and cosmetics?

Do they pose a greater or lesser threat than lets say foods that are ingested, and fumes that are breathed in such as smoking?Can using topical hair products/skin cosmetics contribute to causing cancer?
Well of course, what we put in our bodies is much more harmful, although there have been numerous studies, showing how toxins, over time, does in fact, enter our bodies through our pores.

As far as the big ';C'; goes, I don't buy into it, they like to ';scare'; the, you know what out of us. They had that scare years ago with women using ';darker'; hair dyes, but I truly feel, it comes down to how a person takes care of themselves overall, and naturally using wisdom from the Lord.

The human body is so much stronger than we can imagine and our skin is a natural barrier to protect us from all sorts of nasty things in the environment. Even so, we should be careful to not use chemicals so much.

As far as natural goes, I use Aubrey Organics. Once in a while I will use, say a shampoo that has chemicals in it, but for the most part, I'm pretty natural, won't even take aspirin, make everything from scratch, since I control what's going in our food, you get the drift.

Just use things in moderation, switch around, don't have your body get use to one thing, people tend to use the same products, day in and day out, they've apparently never heard of, variety.

Fumes, smog, smoking, second hand smoke, certain foods, red meat, these are much more harmful, especially food which contains any type of hydrogenated fats and oils. Even in ';moderation';, don't buy into it, that will kill you faster than anything you put ON your body.

I can't stress this enough about hydrogenated oils, always read your food labels.

What I find hilarious, are these idiots who put crap in their bodies on a daily basis, as well as their kids, then turn around and ';only'; buy ';organic'; soaps, gels, deodorants and whatever else. Duh much!

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