Yes. In a face lift or even an under eye cosmetic surgery, fat is taken out. The problem is though, if you have fat taken out of your face it will return quickly. The fat in your face is deteremined by your diet. One of the first places where a person shows weight gain is in the face.Is there a cosmetic surgery you can get where you can get all the fat sucked out your face ?
You would have to go to your regular doctor first who would look at your face and decide if you had a fat face and if you act crazy enough he'll probably write up that it would do you good mentally to have your face sucked but thats only if you have insurance, if you have no insurance, you'll have to go to one of the teaching hospitals (if you have one in your town) and talk to one of those people to see if you qualify for a free face sucking, if you don't qualify, then you should go out and get a job somewhere and start saving your money or I guess you could qualify to get a brand new face because if your face is so fat once all the fat is sucked out of it you'll probably have a saggy face, in which case you'll probably need a safstuck (sagging face skin tuck) which required thread being ran internally all over your face and then somewhere along your hair line the surgeon will pull on it and tie it up like a shoe knotand usually this is good for double chins, bags under your eyes and gravity jowels (along the jaw line) but there are places in the world where they are completly replacing the face of patients and that gives them a new outlook on life, but I wonder what they do with the old face? Do they take pictures of it and publish in a catalog (like Macy's) where people just thumb through at the doctor's office and then select it? and do they just save the face in a refrigerator somewhere and wait for someone to come along that likes that face? And then what if your reject your face? What happens? Do you wake up and there it is in the bed after it falls off your head? You have to really think before you get your face replaced....
ummmm liposuction....
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